Love You with Seasonal Sayings

Seasonal Sayings is a great stamp set to have on hand because its sentiments cover so many different occasions. Cindy used this “Love You” image to create this great card for Valentine’s Day or just to tell someone you love them.

Seasonal Sayings

I really like all the texture the card has on it so I hope my picture does it justice.


Stamp Set: Seasonal Sayings (item 128006 w/ 128009 cm)

Inks: Soft Suede

Paper: Crumb Cake, Bashful Blue, Certainly Celery, So Saffron and Pink Pirouette

Accessories: Big Shot, Adorning Accents Embossing Folder, Fashionable Hearts Embosslit, 3/16″ Corner Punch, and Petal Card Double Punch

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